The Shaving Cadre

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A sincere message from me


“Ya… Chris, Dave, It really is my fault"

These are weird times. What a week it has been for most of us. But I just wanted to say, and express my day yesterday. This is also a away I am trying to cope with it.

Last night I was awake at my normal time since this all started of 6AM. A quick shower, teeth brushing, clothes on, some quick morning prayers, and grabbing some coffee. I headed downstairs into the basement where my at home office is. I was logged on around 6:30AM and started like I do every morning listening to an audio book and going through my emails. 7:09 is when it hit. The epicenter has been updated and it was 8.6 miles from my house to the north. The quake measured at a 5.7. Now we live on fault lines we have always been told to prepare and have ran many drills in school and work. But man once it hits fight and flight kick in that's for sure. So anyways when it started I heard loud banging and a lot of noise. I honestly thought my wife fell down the stairs or in the shower. I jumped up and started running upstairs. Then I saw pictures falling, and my wife's willow tree collection slide off the shelf, that's when I knew it was an earthquake, I met my wife in the hallway up an additional flight of stairs where we locked eyes and she ran into Sadie's room laying on top of her, and I ran into Connor's room and laid on him. This all happened in apparently 17 seconds. It felt like minutes though I swear. At this moment I knew we needed to get out of the house so we all loaded into the minivan and backed it out of the garage and sat with the heat on, yea it was raining too and really cold. While in the van the aftershocks started. Lots of rumbling. We sat there for about 45 min. That is when I went and checked gas lines and left wife and kids in car. Everything looked good. I tried to pick up big things and then brought the family back inside.

The aftershocks lasted all day. Measuring up to the highest being 3.8. Then in the afternoon at 1:12PM a 4.6 magnitude hit, and we were all in the kitchen and quickly got under the table. This lasted for 10 seconds of shaking and it felt pretty intense. We ended up back outside for 30 min. And i then checked everything once again and brought the family back inside. One teddy bear tipped over their teacup. So the damage was minimal here. After that the aftershocks have dwindled. One 3.5 this morning. but nothing crazy. They are being spaced out a lot too. We have had 115 aftershocks above 1.5 since writing this.

The big thing is I have now recognized that if we were not all at home and this transpired on a normal day the whole family would have been split up. So going to get religious here real quick but praise the lord that my family was together.

Anyways I want to thank this community! Multiple people reached out to me and checked in through out the day. I was scared, and was trying to be strong for my family. You all helped me. Thank you!

Well I am getting ready to go get on a conference call so I am sure there are typos above but I hope it makes sense. I love this community! Thank you!

We will all get through this, I will get the invoices out as soon as I can. I am hoping to be doing it soon! I actually had plans to do it yesterday. Thanks again to those of you that are signed up for being extremely patient!


First and foremost we are all happy that you and your family are okay. Secondly, we are happy the damage yo your property is a minimal. Last, dude no one around here cares about the TSC anniversary stuff when you are going through a very troubling time. Take care of things. Take care of your family...but super important...take care of your self in all aspects...body, mind, and spirit!
Scary times indeed, as if we all didn't have enough to worry about. Glad you all made it through with minumal damage, and that you were all together to be there for each other as a family. As always, take care of them before you worry about us!
Oh man, you were that close to the epicenter. I've gone through some bad ones in California, so know that fight or flight feeling.
The last big one there, I remember getting my mom and having here hold onto me in a door way.

We had aftershocks for days after that one, one of them we were in a Vons warehouse and it's was a spooky feeling being between all the tall shelving and seeing it sway.

Even to this day, when I hear a loud bang, I jump for a nano-second thinking earthquake.

Glad you all made it through ok, save a few bottle of aftershave.
Chad, I am truly happy to hear you and your family are doing well after that ordeal. Earthquakes definitely put you into overdrive, especially when children are involved! I will echo what others have been saying, there is no need to put any focus on the anniversary stuff as there will be plenty of time... Tomorrow. ;) Stay safe!
That there is scarier than dropping your razor into a glass bowl sink!
Thank you everyone for the support. And all the other effected Utahns on here as well.

I will say the crack in the stairs leading into the house has gotten bigger but not deeper. So structurally we are fine. But I have a feeling that I will need to replace that. I am assuming all the aftershocks aren't helping that situation.
I am really glad you and the family are good and safe. In the end the only thing any of us have to offer and I mean sincerely is the gift of time. We all control nothing else. So if any of us can offer any modicum of comfort by simply “checking in and paying attention”...we have done the very least we can do. Stay safe brother and as we Canadians love to say...keep your stick on the ice.
Nothing like an early morning earthquake to get your heart pumping. Your priorities are definitely in order. It will always be family first.
I'm glad to hear that you and your family are safe and the damage is minimal. As Don already said, none of us are worried about the invoices getting sent out right away with everything else going on. Take your time and stay safe out there.