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A question of ethics: Thoughts on chickens and kittens.


"I have Always been Rich"
Our local farm store has chicks on sale for 1.99. I was thinking about how much fun the kitties would have chasing one. I could put a bell on it and some string for maximum fun. Spouse unit is not pleased. I am most amused. Then I thought about a bunny, but Thayers are much faster and more messy.
Rich, let spouse unit know that she is welcome to chase the chick if she wishes; it's not just a "kitty only" fun toy! She also has the option to wear the bell & string and run around the house, if that's more her thing.
Our local farm store has chicks on sale for 1.99. I was thinking about how much fun the kitties would have chasing one. I could put a bell on it and some string for maximum fun. Spouse unit is not pleased. I am most amused. Then I thought about a bunny, but Thayers are much faster and more messy.

Rich, let spouse unit know that she is welcome to chase the chick if she wishes; it's not just a "kitty only" fun toy! She also has the option to wear the bell & string and run around the house, if that's more her thing.
so wrong 2.gif
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You haven't met Rich's cats have you? Noel will talk it to death and the only danger from the meatloaf other one is getting sat on.
Our local farm store has chicks on sale for 1.99. I was thinking about how much fun the kitties would have chasing one. I could put a bell on it and some string for maximum fun. Spouse unit is not pleased. I am most amused. Then I thought about a bunny, but Thayers are much faster and more messy.
Sad part of what I considered fairly light hearted, tongue in cheek fodder for Babadebbit. The on-sale chickens are molted versions of the little yellow puffs that is quite common to give to children for Easter (at least here regionally). those are the chicks that will meet a sad end. At 1.99 they will sell out as laying hens. My cats would either ignore them entirely, or run in fear. They are pretty inept pouncers. I’ve been trying to help them with a little toy and fishing pole but they usually grab for the string. Their parents were barn cats, and were able mousers.
These are Chicks.


These are not toys, they are alive.

I would caution against getting your cats the $1.99 exercise poultry. It is true the poultry might seem like they would inspire the deep down predator/prey thing going on inside your cat but in truth those little feathered critters are little more than prehistoric poop machines ...and your cat knows it. There will be no cat chasing bird moments but there will be plenty of Rich bending over to wipe up poop moments, Rich stepping in poop saying "ah what the ..." moments and Rich's wife quietly walking over to Rich and smacking Rich for bringing a poop machine into the house moments. Oh but the eggs you say...go buy a carton of eggs and a fresh laser from the $.99 store.
NOW, if they have some turkeys....
Sad part of what I considered fairly light hearted, tongue in cheek fodder for Babadebbit. The on-sale chickens are molted versions of the little yellow puffs that is quite common to give to children for Easter (at least here regionally). those are the chicks that will meet a sad end. At 1.99 they will sell out as laying hens. My cats would either ignore them entirely, or run in fear. They are pretty inept pouncers. I’ve been trying to help them with a little toy and fishing pole but they usually grab for the string. Their parents were barn cats, and were able mousers.
They are a banned sale item was deemed cruelty to animals..