The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

A Heartfelt - TSC Rocks!


TSC Yoda
Concierge Emeritus
I know that 2020, to put it lightly, has blown chunks, and there hasn’t been anyone in out forum that has not felt an impact.

I also know that this is the time to be thankful for what we have and for our families and loved ones - which I am).

But I sometimes forget to say thanks for the “little things” that are really BIG THINGS - and that is the TSC in a nutshell.

THANK YOU - gentlemen (and ladies) for welcoming me in to your gang.

THANK YOU - for the TSC for their Zoom videos - it is so nice to put faces to names and to have great discussions as well as fun and games- other than my time with my family - these two get togethers are a highlight of my week (I’m bummed that events yesterday prevented me from joining yesterday). I love hearing others interests, and what they like about traditional wet shaving, and those games are hilarious fun. And thanks to all your wives and significant others that join - they add that something special to these calls - especially game night

THANK YOU - TSC members - I’ve met some great people that I now have as friends.

THANK YOU - TSC vendors (and to our other artisans out there)- your products are awesome and give me a reprieve each day from the worries that can be weighing. It’s my “Calgon take me away)” - and for those that get that reference - I now know how old you are 😂.

THANK YOU to members like @gvw775 and @Spider for giving me guidance and the ropes on how these message boards work and what to do with patience.

THANK YOU to the YouTubers that provide endless advice, reviews, and just good banter that provide me with great entertainment - @BarberDave @CVargo @Spider @NurseDave (I apologize on missing folks).

THANK YOU to the founding fathers of TSC for putting this together - and I loved hearing about this was formed and that the three of you have never been in the same room.

THANK YOU @Fenster and @Luecke3262 just because.....

I wish everyone a most happy, safe, and healthy holiday season - no matter what you celebrate!

And so I’m not considered a sensitive, ponytail man.....I’ll end with this...... because I’m not good at this kind of stuff.....

That is very nice to hear and this indeed is what we wanted to create when Chris, Chad & I dreamed this whole mess up. These types of comments, by nature of things are few and far between, but they are Cherished by us. Certain Circumstances over this past year have brought us pause and many discussions of cashing out our chips, and walking away, due to conflict, perceived notions of what the forum should be, folks that just don't fit, personal member agendas, and of course, the realization that we cannot please everyone all the time, and the vision of the forum is what keeps us going.

Then we get a comment or letter like this, and we get re-charged and are energized with the fact that we are indeed "DOING IT RIGHT" in our members eyes, and in fact we did create the Best Shaving related forum on the planet... Okay I may be a bit Bias, LOL

So, Thank you for your thoughts, and I cannot express how important they truly are, and how pleased we are that not only us, the ownership, but the Loyal Members of the TSC have made you feel so welcome.

The Term Cadre, as you know from the Military definition, is not something I take lightly and when coming up with a name for this joint that word became paramount. It is the living, breathing philosophy of what this place means, and you proved it in your comments. YOU ARE, and WE ARE CADRE... Familia, Brothers in Arms.

Thanks Again, and Merry Christmas
@CVargo @CBLindsay
That is very nice to hear and this indeed is what we wanted to create when Chris, Chad & I dreamed this whole mess up. These types of comments, by nature of things are few and far between, but they are Cherished by us. Certain Circumstances over this past year have brought us pause and many discussions of cashing out our chips, and walking away, due to conflict, perceived notions of what the forum should be, folks that just don't fit, personal member agendas, and of course, the realization that we cannot please everyone all the time, and the vision of the forum is what keeps us going.

Then we get a comment or letter like this, and we get re-charged and are energized with the fact that we are indeed "DOING IT RIGHT" in our members eyes, and in fact we did create the Best Shaving related forum on the planet... Okay I may be a bit Bias, LOL

So, Thank you for your thoughts, and I cannot express how important they truly are, and how pleased we are that not only us, the ownership, but the Loyal Members of the TSC have made you feel so welcome.

The Term Cadre, as you know from the Military definition, is not something I take lightly and when coming up with a name for this joint that word became paramount. It is the living, breathing philosophy of what this place means, and you proved it in your comments. YOU ARE, and WE ARE CADRE... Familia, Brothers in Arms.

Thanks Again, and Merry Christmas
@CVargo @CBLindsay
@BarberDave Thank you - I’ve been on other bulletin boards - but this one truly feels like family. And I know, we all go through rough patches, but it is the love of our common bonds and more importantly the people that get us through - except for those that don’t like *fill in favorite artisan here* - they were raised by wolves lol
I appreciate your kind words Brian and I couldn't be more pleased that you have found such enjoyment from your involvement here.

The Shaving Cadre is a Wet Shaving & Gentlemanly interests forum that was created with a vision to be different fill a different niche and have a more unique group of members. Your expression of gratitude not only highlights a few of the things and people that make our forum unique but is in and of itself one of the things that make the forum unique, our forum is less about the anonymous member who joins to engage in "copy & paste posts", brand boosting/bashing and BST transactions and MORE about CADRE members who join to be part of and engage in the forum at some level. How and were each member engages is up to them, I am so happy to hear you found the Zoom calls and game and that they have provided you with such enjoyment. I have only been able to join one or two but I know they have been really fun and many have gone on for hours. I also know they have provided light for many at some of the darkest and loneliest hours this year. You also mentioned the WIVES in your thank you letter. I want to than YOU for that. Not only have our own (the owners) wives given tremendously in the early days to allow us the time and $ to allow this forum to get off the ground, but they have enjoyed becoming part of the Cadre family this year as have several of the other member wives and significant others. WE pride ourselves on being a forum were wives & daughters are as welcome and safe as our sons and brothers.

We do hope the things we have planned for 2021 continue to please the loyal Cadre members and make our forum even MORE unique in the world of internet forums. But we'll let you (and the wives, daughters, sons and brothers) be the judge!

Your letter acknowledging and thanking the forum, the owners and all out wives is really appreciated and I want to say THANK YOU for being a loyal and engaged Cadre member.
That is very nice to hear and this indeed is what we wanted to create when Chris, Chad & I dreamed this whole mess up. These types of comments, by nature of things are few and far between, but they are Cherished by us. Certain Circumstances over this past year have brought us pause and many discussions of cashing out our chips, and walking away, due to conflict, perceived notions of what the forum should be, folks that just don't fit, personal member agendas, and of course, the realization that we cannot please everyone all the time, and the vision of the forum is what keeps us going.

Then we get a comment or letter like this, and we get re-charged and are energized with the fact that we are indeed "DOING IT RIGHT" in our members eyes, and in fact we did create the Best Shaving related forum on the planet... Okay I may be a bit Bias, LOL

So, Thank you for your thoughts, and I cannot express how important they truly are, and how pleased we are that not only us, the ownership, but the Loyal Members of the TSC have made you feel so welcome.

The Term Cadre, as you know from the Military definition, is not something I take lightly and when coming up with a name for this joint that word became paramount. It is the living, breathing philosophy of what this place means, and you proved it in your comments. YOU ARE, and WE ARE CADRE... Familia, Brothers in Arms.

Thanks Again, and Merry Christmas
@CVargo @CBLindsay
2020 has been a difficult year for all of us. For me personally, it probably takes second fiddle to 2016 for reasons I won't go into here. But during that very rough time, my wife said to me that if we can make it through those difficult times...then we can make it through anything. That is kind of how I feel about TSC. I don't know of all the obstacles that @CBLindsay @BarberDave and @CVargo had to endure keeping the lights on here at TSC. But I feel that if they can make it through 2020...then they can make it through anything!

@Scuttlesoap 's sentiments are STRONGLY echoed here also.
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2020 has been a difficult year for all of us. For me personally, it probably takes second fiddle to 2016 for reasons I won't go into here. But during that very rough time, my wife said to me that if we can make it through those difficult times...then we can make it through anything. That is kind of how I feel about TSC. I don't know of al the obstacles that @CBLindsay @BarberDave and @CVargo had to endure keeping the lights on here at TSC. But I feel that if they can make it through 2020...then they can make it through anything!

@scuttlesoap 's sentiments are STRONGLY echoed here also.

GOD, I love that Sally, you get an extra slap on the Butt for that one, LOL
I don't know of all the obstacles that @CBLindsay @BarberDave and @CVargo had to endure keeping the lights on here at TSC. But I feel that if they can make it through 2020...then they can make it through anything!
You know I was trying to think of how to respond to this. Obstacles is a weird word... While we definitely faced them and us three had many late nights. Ultimately at least for me I never felt like we where in danger as a forum. Covid caused our membership to increase like crazy! Which meant we learned a lot about some individuals as we grew and some people came in that clearly didn't match our values that we want the forum to represent, and we have developed a relationship with another shaving forum where we communicate with and help each other out with random things, as example preventing known scammers from joining our forum(more on that from the owners account as it's a big deal). So we updated the TOU (spoiler it's being worked on being cleaned up to read better), and created the Owners account to better display a unified front. And don't even get me started on the delays to shipping around our anniversary. So while we hit some rocky points I'd say we are better because of it, and 2021 looks bright for the cadre.

The 3 of us are working on a lot things right now as we are all taking some much needed vacation time from our 9-5 jobs, so stay tuned everyone. Some great stuff in the works!
@dangerousdon We opted for the motel 6 server package when we did the last upgrade. The door may be locked when you get out of the car in the pouring rain (or hurricane :p) but the porch light will be on for quite some time. all fairness, just because the door is locked it doesn't mean nobody is home. There are a LOT of pranksters here and if it IS raining cats and dogs someone is VERY likely to lock the door just to see the look of panic on your face when you turn the handle. It's probably @uacowboy, he like's leaving lights on and doors locked.
@dangerousdon We opted for the motel 6 server package when we did the last upgrade. The door may be locked when you get out of the car in the pouring rain (or hurricane :p) but the porch light will be on for quite some time. all fairness, just because the door is locked it doesn't mean nobody is home. There are a LOT of pranksters here and if it IS raining cats and dogs someone is VERY likely to lock the door just to see the look of panic on your face when you turn the handle. It's probably @uacowboy, he like's leaving lights on and doors locked.
Those looks are the best reason to get a video doorbell!
Great post Brian, well said, and I feel the same way.

For me the Cadre has certainly been a much needed Shelter from the Storm of 2020 that I found just at the right time when I needed it. It is a welcoming little place to go and get away from all the other stuff. Thanks to all for providing such a great place to hang out.