The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

A Cadre P.S.A.


“TSC’s Happy Hogan”
Gentlemen (and ladies if present), I’d like to pass on a bit of advice that may help you all in the future.

Around this time last year my brother-in-law suffered a fatal heart attack. He ignored the symptoms and by the time his wife (my sister) insisted that he go to the emergency room it was too late. He had been having an attack for more than a day but when they arrived at the hospital, he had a MASSIVE one right there in the waiting room. They did everything they could for him but the damage to his heart was too extensive. He lingered for several days on life support but eventually died.

He unfortunately left his family with a lot of debt. He had no will and when his estate went into probate, I was asked to be the “Administrator”. If you’ve never had to serve as an Estate Administrator believe me, it’s not a fun process. I don’t have time to go into it fully, but this has taken almost a year of my life at this point with no end yet in sight. Additionally, it’s caused a major rift among the surviving members of the family. His son and daughter basically hate each other now, and my sister is caught in the middle.

So, I’d like to offer this advice as someone who’s been on the inside.

  • Listen to your body!! Get checked out!! If you have a family history of heart issues do what must be done to stay ahead of it. Medication, exercise, whatever you need to do, DO IT! Know the signs of a heart attack and get medical attention IMMEDIATELY if you show the signs. Here is a like to the Mayo Clinic’s page: Heart attack - Symptoms and causes
  • If you as head-of-household handle all the money, bills, etc. INSIST on getting your significant other involved in these things. Educate them on what bills you have and what must be paid, when it must be paid and how much. Make sure they know how to budget. I’ve used Microsoft Money for years and have found it very easy and straight forward. It’s been indispensable to me. Believe me, neither you nor your family realize right now how BIG your role is and they won’t until you’re gone.
  • MAKE A WILL!!! These things aren’t just for rich people. If you have children, you need one! If you have any property at all, you need one! If you have any assets (money, stocks, bonds, IRA, 401K, etc.) you need one! Don’t leave anything to chance. Prepare now for the time when you won’t be there for them.
I hope none of you have to deal with any of this but making preparations now will put your family in the best situation possible should the unthinkable happen.
Pay a little more and get a lawyer to help setting up a trust!
I was going to suggest the same thing. If you're a member of a church, see if your church has connections with Financial Planning Ministry. I was able to get a trust created for free through them.

Don't forget life insurance, especially if you're a sole provider. We lost my brother in law a little more than a year ago and it prompted me to finally sign up.
What a coinkidink! Mommy and I signed off our new wills today! My last one was way back in ‘90. The usual Army will where Momma could sell everything I own.