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2022: Year of the Razor?


TSC Yoda
Concierge Emeritus
I think we can all agree that the last few years 2019-2021 have been spectacular for the world of wet shaving. I know that we are spoiled here on the TSC with our artisans - CBL, Stirling, Ethos, Mystic Water, Lisa’s Natural, Saponificio Varesino, and Victory Shave Company (notice @Bill M the use of the Oxford comma) when it comes to soaps and AS.

I remember when I joined the hobby in 2019 - there was basically a ratings war - a lot of people seemed vested in a particular You Tubers rating on their soap - looking back that seems foolish because I think people who based their decisions solely on those ratings missed out on some fantastic soaps.

That being said - it seems that artisans across the aboard stepped up their game and we have so many fantastic bases - that really wet shavers now have the opportunity to make their decisions based on the scents they like. 2021 specifically was phenomenal - CBL’s Orion based just wowed everyone (And @CBLindsay - I want to say while I absolutely adore ”the Princess Bride” series - the first Orion release - Citrus AND Booziness - just awesome!

It’s hard to pinpoint specific years - because yes, some razors have been released earlier - and this is not a knock on previous razors, but 2022 seems to be a resurgence for the razor. While released in 2021 - there are a few razors that have surged in 2022. Popular in this group is definitely the Tedalus - @gvw755 was an early adopter and for me. -it was @Bill M and his vids that convinced me that I ”needed” one. Our @BarberDave and @NurseDave compete for who is the biggest fanboi 😂. But also on the DE side, starting last year but really peaking this year- we’ve had a resurgence of razors who have seemed to maxed out on both the efficiency and smoothness. The talk of the town has been both the Swiss made Blutt Rasur as well as the Karve Overlander. I have the latter - but have also acquired the Stando Polska Gryphon which I think Stando has thrown their hat in the ring for “elite“ razor. And I know I may biased (because of recent acquisitions) - but Rocnel has released two razors this year - an artist club and a DE that are focused on comfort and efficiency. And REX released their adjustable slant, with Homelike Shaving expected to release their version, as well as a refresh of a previous razor.

Again, this isn’t to discredit vintage and other razors, it just seems that like the soap makers before them, the Razor Artisans have stepped up their game as well.

I’d love to hear other’s thoughts on this so:

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A few years ago, I got on a modern razor kick, after many years of being a devout vintage user. Many razors that seemed almost universally loved (like the Karve and the Timeless, for example) passed through my hands. Most continued their journey to someone else. They either didn’t work for me, or didn’t do anything for me that a much cheaper razor did just as well.

As such, I’ve had no desire to even look at most of the razors that have been released in recent years.

Also, I’m a traditionalist. And prefer the vintage look. Honestly, I cannot stand the look of the handles that are being produced now. I don’t know what it is about them, but I really don’t like the aesthetic.

If I were to try a razor, and liked it enough, I’d probably buy it. But I’m not going to risk a purchase now, on a high dollar razor, that I’m unsure of.
A few years ago, I got on a modern razor kick, after many years of being a devout vintage user. Many razors that seemed almost universally loved (like the Karve and the Timeless, for example) passed through my hands. Most continued their journey to someone else. They either didn’t work for me, or didn’t do anything for me that a much cheaper razor did just as well.

As such, I’ve had no desire to even look at most of the razors that have been released in recent years.

Also, I’m a traditionalist. And prefer the vintage look. Honestly, I cannot stand the look of the handles that are being produced now. I don’t know what it is about them, but I really don’t like the aesthetic.

If I were to try a razor, and liked it enough, I’d probably buy it. But I’m not going to risk a purchase now, on a high dollar razor, that I’m unsure of.
Very good points. I think I took a different stance- more so because I love Stainless Steel and the heft of things. But I missed out on Gillette and now that I’ve acquired the Fatboy, Slim, and Toggle - I missed out on some great shaves!
It is really hard to beat my Merkur 34c and the Post-War Gillette Tech. Those are the two DEs that I would take to a desert island.

My most recent DE acquisitions have been fun and interesting (Rockwell T2, a bronze Timeless from @Somnos Estate Sale, and a Feather AS-D2 from @MarkB). They are all nice. The T2 works as advertised. The Timeless has amazing quality craftsmanship, but is one of the most aggressive razors I have ever used, so it needs a deft touch. The AS-D2 is amazingly mild and really good with a Feather so far, but I need to try it with other blades. However, so far none of them have beat the 34c or a Tech for me.

I have also acquired both of the new Supply single edge razors (I backed the Kickstarter). I plan to put up a short review of each after I try them. We will see how that goes. I do like my Supply SE 2.0. But, we will see if any of them beat a Schick Dial Injector.

The names you mention I had to Google. I have heard the Tedalus mentioned before in passing on Zoom calls, but hadn't ever seen one until a few minutes ago. I had never heard of the Blutt or the Overlander until you mentioned them. I have a Karve CB in brass that is quite nice, so I could see maybe getting the Overlander if the price is right, but the Tedalus or the Blutt are way outside of what I consider reasonable prices. Rocnel and REX aren't much better price-wise, so they are also probably a no go.

What are some things that I would like to get? I am interested in the RazoRock Lupo with both the 72 and the 95 base plates. I am interested in getting some of the OC base plates for my RR Game Changer. The new Asylum RX V2 looks good, but I hesitate to spend $190 on a razor.

The Mergress XL that I have is wonderful, but I put off getting it for years because of the expense. I am glad that I have it, but the 34c (and the standard Progress for that matter) shaves equally well.

These razor artisans have priced me out of the market. I don't have the liquid capital to chase after all these $200+ razors, especially when the high end razors that I already have (while very nice and high quality) don't shave any better than a 34c or a vintage Post-War Tech.

EDIT: Maybe in a couple of years if my finances improve I will take a look at some of these. But, I doubt it.
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It is really hard to beat my Merkur 34c and the Post-War Gillette Tech. Those are the two DEs that I would take to a desert island.

My most recent DE acquisitions have been fun and interesting (Rockwell T2, a bronze Timeless from @Somnos Estate Sale, and a Feather AS-D2 from @MarkB). They are all nice. The T2 works as advertised. The Timeless has amazing quality craftsmanship, but is one of the most aggressive razors I have ever used, so it needs a deft touch. The AS-D2 is amazingly mild and really good with a Feather so far, but I need to try it with other blades. However, so far none of them have beat the 34c or a Tech for me.

I have also acquired both of the new Supply single edge razors (I backed the Kickstarter). I plan to put up a short review of each after I try them. We will see how that goes. I do like my Supply SE 2.0. But, we will see if any of them beat a Schick Dial Injector.

The names you mention I had to Google. I have heard the Tedalus mentioned before in passing on Zoom calls, but hadn't ever seen one until a few minutes ago. I had never heard of the Blutt or the Overlander until you mentioned them. I have a Karve CB in brass that is quite nice, so I could see maybe getting the Overlander if the price is right, but the Tedalus or the Blutt are way outside of what I consider reasonable prices. Rocnel and REX aren't much better price-wise, so they are also probably a no go.

What are some things that I would like to get? I am interested in the RazoRock Lupo with both the 72 and the 95 base plates. I am interested in getting some of the OC base plates for my RR Game Changer. The new Asylum RX V2 looks good, but I hesitate to spend $190 on a razor.

The Mergress XL that I have is wonderful, but I put off getting it for years because of the expense. I am glad that I have it, but the 34c (and the standard Progress for that matter) shaves equally well.

These razor artisans have priced me out of the market. I don't have the liquid capital to chase after all these $200+ razors, especially when the high end razors that I already have (while very nice and high quality) don't shave any better than a 34c or a vintage Post-War Tech.

EDIT: Maybe in a couple of years if my finances improve I will take a look at some of these. But, I doubt it.
You do bring some very valid points - the pricing on some of the new razors do make you press pause - especially if for you they don’t bring you a better shave. For me, I have always been a stainless steel freak - so I was willing to pay more for that. I have had a Timeless Bronze and I agree on the aggressiveness - especially when I compared it to the Timeless Stainless Steel.

The Karve Overlander was right for me - just below the $100 mark where I felt if I didn’t like it - I could resell it. I totally forgot (and how could I have done that) with the new Supply razors - I think they are top notch - I wish they were stainless (only because that is my preference) but I think for the price - bring a top notch shave.
First, let me say thank you to @Scuttlesoap for the kind words about CBL soap and for including CBL among the list of great or influential artisans of the past few years. I remember watching several of the YouTube videos when they were a hot thing, I think it was nick-shaves that I enjoyed the most but couldn't say exactly why (maybe it was because he wasn't as overt about monetizing his activity). As I look back on it, I think YouTube videos did much the same as any shaving forum of the day was doing...showcasing the growing market of artisan soaps.

Now more on topic. I am a lot like @Spider in that I like the more traditional (a.k.a. "vintage") tools of the trade. Whether it's a pre-war tech or a basic Genco straight razor, I am drawn to the romance and the simple efficiency of the vintage razors. So much of the older stuff has a look and feel that just doesn't exist in the "new" stuff. I also agree with @dkeester, the 34c (a newer razor by comparison) checks most of the necessary boxes for me. In my mind, it simply isn't possible to improve significantly on the tried and true vintage (or 34c) DE's. Where I see a major evolution is the single edge options, the Schick injector is surprisingly awesome, but a something built around the feather type SE blade is a real leap forward in my book. I used to have one of the cheaper SE razors but sold it thinking would buy one of the more premium styles (Asylum?) but never did.

One thing that keeps me from buying one or more of the newer artisan made razors is PRICE. I can affirmatively say I will not buy any artisan made DE, I just don't see them as being better than my vintage collection ...and I paid between $3 and $50 for most of my vintage collection. The artisan made SE razors intrigue me enough to want one but the price (and I don't doubt they are "worth" every penny of the price) is more than I can justify to myself. I have no doubt that if I found/bought a nice SE I would use it and love it, I am just not motivated to shell out the $$$.

I think that as we see the price of artisan products climb higher and higher, we will see the desire of the shaving enthusiast to buy more and more decline. Maybe this will help feed a rise in premium razor sales, as higher priced soaps start to look like less of a value than a premium razor that will last forever and costs only marginally more than a month or twos worth of soap purchases.
I agree that the 34C is at the top of the heap when it comes to DE razors. Even among modern razors, the best ones I have (or have tried) were made 10 years ago. The Mergress, 34C, EJ, Yuma, and the Feather for example. Probably the most recently made razor, that I consider a favorite is the Rockwell 6S.

Now, is the Feather any better than the $5 Gillette Tech in terms of shave? Maybe like 5% better, barely noticeable. I love the feather because the handle is a bit longer and it's heftier. So I still like the Feather, but is it really worth 40 times the price of a Tech?? No, but that's one that I have accepted into my den anyway.

I don't think anyone has reinvented the wheel. Nobody has created a (pardon me) game changing razor. Everyone is making little tweeks, but nothing that drastically affects the shave. If someone does, it would get my attention. But I really don't think it's possible at this point.
I totally get pressing pause when seeing the price of these razors - it can be breathtaking. For me, I get the enjoyment out of the investment similar to some of the other hobbies here - watches, pens, different liquors, etc. I appreciate the ”art” and craftsmanship. I do know that as a monetary investment - there won’t be any return - it is purely in enjoying the art. Even the vintage razors that I have acquired - I have had them replated to restore them as best it can to their original luster - just because I enjoy the beauty of them - but i know that in doing so - ruins the “collectability.” I do see differences in the types of shaves that the razors provide - from a monetary perspective - I can’t see a justification to say a new razor is worth x dollars more based on the shave itself however.

But I think you see that in almost any hobby - there are very few watches out there that will provide a return on investment of any significance, bottles of wine or whiskey (IMO) are only valuable if you get to taste them and share them, I even have some friends that are into race car driving - I think overall it is only valuable if it brings enjoyment - and everyone has to set what their price is for that enjoyment.

I love our group - we have such a diverse group of people that all bring great points of view And food for thought.

But we can all agree - that every CBL Princess Bridge release is more valuable than gold!! 😂
I totally get pressing pause when seeing the price of these razors - it can be breathtaking. For me, I get the enjoyment out of the investment similar to some of the other hobbies here - watches, pens, different liquors, etc. I appreciate the ”art” and craftsmanship. I do know that as a monetary investment - there won’t be any return - it is purely in enjoying the art. Even the vintage razors that I have acquired - I have had them replated to restore them as best it can to their original luster - just because I enjoy the beauty of them - but i know that in doing so - ruins the “collectability.” I do see differences in the types of shaves that the razors provide - from a monetary perspective - I can’t see a justification to say a new razor is worth x dollars more based on the shave itself however.

But I think you see that in almost any hobby - there are very few watches out there that will provide a return on investment of any significance, bottles of wine or whiskey (IMO) are only valuable if you get to taste them and share them, I even have some friends that are into race car driving - I think overall it is only valuable if it brings enjoyment - and everyone has to set what their price is for that enjoyment.

I love our group - we have such a diverse group of people that all bring great points of view And food for thought.

But we can all agree - that every CBL Princess Bridge release is more valuable than gold!! 😂
For me, I think at least some portion (maybe a BIG portion) of the fun of being a "Collector" of vintage shave gear was the ability to find and buy at very low prices. I even learned how to do a good amount of restoration and repair (I can take a beat up old straight razor and make it a little better and a wonderful shaver). Sadly, something changed a year or 2 back making prices higher. I have often considered selling off some of my older stuff (at fair prices) and shifting those funds into something new and fancy...but I am too lazy to make listings.

I did go out of my way to buy the newest Gillette razors and I am happy I did. I haven't opened the one that came in the case but I have enjoyed the King Gillette DE that I bought a year or so ago,

I totally isn't about the cost, it's about the enjoyment the item brings. My wallet is fortunate that I enjoy the cheap old stuff as much as I do.

Long live the oxford comma
have often considered selling off some of my older stuff (at fair prices) and shifting those funds into something new and fancy...but I am too lazy to make listings.
Same! I have so many duplicates! I’ve kept a lot of stuff just because of shipping costs, it’s almost not worth it to sell the cheaper stuff. (I suspect I’ll be bringing a lot with me to Vegas for BST).
Same! I have so many duplicates! I’ve kept a lot of stuff just because of shipping costs, it’s almost not worth it to sell the cheaper stuff. (I suspect I’ll be bringing a lot with me to Vegas for BST).
I was thinking I might bring some of my stuff too.