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2019 Resolutions


“Ya… Chris, Dave, It really is my fault"
What are your 2019 resolutions?

Last year I did water. I downloaded a water drinking app and wanted to try and drink my allotted water each day. Looking back I was about 85% of the day's I hit. Not bad really.

This year I want something for mental health. I believe reading is very important. And while I love watching the YouTube videos from here I have caught myself at night mindlessly watching crap on YouTube. So going forward my goal is to read out of a book at least 10 min each night. I know it isn't much but with technology I really want to put it away and read more. Coupled with that I would like to start updating my journal more regularly thinking at least 3 times a week.

So what is yours?
I have a similar goal, to read one chapter of a book every night. I used to read all the time. In recent years that has fallen off. I have a huge backlog of books to read. Hopefully this year I can get through many of them.

I am also going to try doing the Bullet Journal again. I started it last year, but fell off the wagon. I want to be more organized and more mindful. I think this will help me do that.
I don’t make resolutions. Never saw the point.
I'm with you guys on getting back into reading more. I used to read voraciously, now I just don't make the time for it like I used to. The 10 minutes a night plan is a great way to start Chad.

I'd also like to get into journaling on a daily, or somewhat daily basis. I keep my shave journal here, but would like to start a physical journal for other non-shave related stuff. I tried a bullet journal, but I didn't really like it.
I'm with you guys on getting back into reading more. I used to read voraciously, now I just don't make the time for it like I used to. The 10 minutes a night plan is a great way to start Chad.

I'd also like to get into journaling on a daily, or somewhat daily basis. I keep my shave journal here, but would like to start a physical journal for other non-shave related stuff. I tried a bullet journal, but I didn't really like it.

My hope is commit to ten minutes and it will turn into more. Kind of like, " I'll watch one YouTube video."
My hope is commit to ten minutes and it will turn into more. Kind of like, " I'll watch one YouTube video."

Haha. I’m sure what will happen is that you will end up committing to 10 minutes but continuing past that. Well, as long as you like what you’re reading. Keep us posted in the The Reading Lounge thread!
This year I intend to finish my degree, and visit with old friends in New England. I like reconnecting with my roots.
I started my physical journal, and I’ve been able to put in an entry almost daily. I’m still contemplating trying a bullet journal again, but I’m not completely sold on the idea.

I’ve also stepped up my reading. Doing about an hour each night before I go to bed on the nights the wife is watching something I’m not interested in.
Well here we are on the 11th, and I have only missed one night of reading. I am averaging 1-3 chapters a night currently, about 30-40 min.