The Shaving Cadre

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Pokémon Go


"The Cadre Constable"
I discovered one of our members, through Facebook, had recently re-started playing Pokémon Go. I’m wondering if anyone else on TSC is also playing.

Post your Username and trainer code so we can become in-game friends for trading.

Catch anything cool? Post a pic. Got any secrets tricks or tips that you’ve learned? Post em up.


KilherQueen (Amber)

Gotta Catch ‘Em All!
One thing Amber and I like to do, is when we take over a gym, we put complimentary Pokémon in. It looks cute to have evolutionary pairs in there. Sometimes it makes it look like a parent / child or siblings.

Here’s a few from today.
I’m starting to get my sea legs under me starting with ball control. Battling is proving a bit harder as most of my Pokémon were caught 4 to 5 years ago. They didn’t seem to age well.


0138 6362 4447

Kinda wish I could change my user name. It also didn’t age well.
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I've been playing for years. Guilty pleasure that takes me back to always playing pokemon as a kid.

My code:
4348 2461 6312
I discovered one of our members, through Facebook, had recently re-started playing Pokémon Go.
This was probably me. Ya, if you stop playing for many years and then load it up again, there's a ton of new stuff! I started again but I saw my daughter playing it in the Caribbean and thought there could be neat stuff there.

I haven't gotten deep into it. Don't know about trading or anything. I just catch stuff to try to evolve stuff, and battle at gyms that are ready for takeover.

5360 0195 3879
This was probably me.
No, it was Rich. Then I discovered that you and Amber were friends on Go, yet we weren't???? That gave me the idea to create this thread.

Ya, if you stop playing for many years and then load it up again, there's a ton of new stuff!
Yeah, took me a bit to get the hang of it, when I restarted (actually about a year ago, now).
So is that the one where you have to actually leave your house to play? I mean if it is probably not going to be able to for a while I was on the back of a golf cart last night and going up a hill I told him hey I'm not able to hold on back here so they kicked it and I went tumbling down the hill and hurt my wrist and ankles and knees and the fairly much everything so... I'm not really going to be leaving the house that much other than just to go pick up the kids from school and take them in the morning you know. I guess I can go ahead and sign up though and get an account made so thanks for the info I really appreciate it..
So is that the one where you have to actually leave your house to play?

Yes. You will be able to catch some Pokemon from your home, but not very many. And you will need to find poke-stops or gyms in order to replenish items in order to catch them.
Yes. You will be able to catch some Pokemon from your home, but not very many. And you will need to find poke-stops or gyms in order to replenish items in order to catch them.
Thank you for the info. I will look further into it and see whats in my area when i feel better...👍
Kinda wish I could change my user name. It also didn’t age well
Rich, click on your poke ball to get to the menu. Go to the top corner and click settings. Then click account. On the top line, click the pencil icon to edit your name.

I just changed mine to SpiderVez.
I will ask them about playing....
Just be sure that if more than one of you play, that you all join the same team (you pick one of three teams when you start). That way you can work together in gym battles.